Tag Archives: design

Seaward extension Portobello

With spectacular views across the North Sea, this traditional stone built terraced house in Portobello required remodelling to improve the layout. Proposed is a new single storey extension to the rear with spa and terrace and attic extension to the second floor, together with a reconfiguration of the internal spaces. This project is now at[…]

Four Houses in West Lothian

A brownfield site complete with dilapidated farm buildings. Surely this is the ideal site for new housing – reuse of land that is an eyesore and a hazard, sustainable credentials, beauty replacing rot. But there are few things that are straight forward. A lot of work went into the Planning Application to put forward the[…]

Let’s talk insulation!

There is a plethora of different insulation materials out there, and your home could be any number of construction types, so what can you do? The best thing is to contact an independent professional for advice. It’s crucial to have some understanding of building physics and how adding insulation might change the way your building[…]