SEDA logo

We’ve joined SEDA

We have recently joined The Scottish Ecological Design Association SEDA since we share a number of values including design innovation, healthy building practises and informed decision making. The website is a unique resource of these things and more  we hope to dig further into these ourselves and find out how we might contribute to[…]

Love Your Home

Love Your Home

Recently we finalised our own kitchen design and it has made our home and family life so much better. We agonised over layout, details, what needed to come down and stay up, salvaged anything we could re-use, and we can honestly say it has been so worth it! It feels like we’ve extended our home,[…]

Let's talk insulation!

Let’s talk insulation!

There is a plethora of different insulation materials out there, and your home could be any number of construction types, so what can you do? The best thing is to contact an independent professional for advice. It’s crucial to have some understanding of building physics and how adding insulation might change the way your building[…]

Neil is now a WELL Accredited Professional

Neil is now a WELL Accredited Professional

The International Well Building Institute is based is California.  It has developed a set of standards to ensure that a level of health and well-being is enjoyed by building occupants where these standards are followed. The standards are tied into medical research, evidentially backing up the design decisions.  WELL call their work the evolution of[…]